Relationship cords are energetic connections between us and another person that drain, and limit us from expressing and fully choosing what we would like to choose.
The Kahuna I interned with years ago, used to say, "cords are the number one energetic block I see." So when I went to a psychic development school, I wasn't surprised when there was a whole section on cords. They are a big deal. Throughout our lives, we unconsciously create cords with people (and at first, they often feel good!) however if you feel drawn back into negative patterns with an ex, or have frustration with a loved one, often it's because of these cords. Cords are sometimes described as unhealthy attachments that need to be energetically cut, like with scissors or a knife... yet, a Hawaiian shaman taught me other ways of releasing them because if you let these go just by “cutting” them, it can create health challenges and undesirable outcomes. Often in new-age communities people talk about cutting cords, yet the mystery school teachings emphasize NOT to do that. In fact, a lot of times, the cutting cords methods don't really work. They give a temporary feeling of relief for something that needs a deeper level of change. Kahuna Ho'okahi's perspective was different. She doesn't like that people cut cords because a part of that energetic cord remains in your body. It's sort of like a foreign invader because, cut off from that other person, the energy really has nowhere to discharge to. It just remains, stuck, and what do stuck things do? They fester. While life goes on around them, they create blocks and disharmony. She said that many diseases are as a result of such energies. So... what to do? We need to release cords from the root instead of leaving a piece in your body. There are some simple ways to do that which don't take much time. Purchase How to Release Relationship Cords. Join a class
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"It was roughly a month after I moved to Maui that I met the Kahuna (Hawaiian Shaman) I would eventually study with. It happened, as many life-changing things do, in an unexpected and unusual way.
The week before, I'd posted on Craigslist offering an abundance of wire hangers - for free. The following day, a man called, asking for many details about the hangers. How many, are they only wire - no cardboard, and on and on. I remember thinking, this guy is a little strange, but I gave him my address so he could collect his loot. When he (I'll call him Eric) arrived, I could only find 3 of the 25 hangers. My husband was left to deal with him, as I had a coaching call I was engaged in, and the two men got to talking. "I must be here for a reason other than hangers," Eric said. "My wife had a dream last night in which she created a statue from hangers and that's what these are for." Their chat continued, and Eric mentioned that he and his wife worked with a Kahuna, and invited us to come along to her program that Friday night. When we met, the Kahuna smiled at me. "You're 440." She said. I must have looked at her with puzzlement, because she responded, "440 means means you can hold and transmit high levels of energy." I was fascinated. Her arrival in my life was in response to an ask. Earlier on the day we met Eric, I'd mentioned to a mentor that I wanted to do Chi Gung to deepen my awareness of energy. When you ask, the Universe hears you, and your ask isn't necessarily answered in the way you'd expect. For the next 2.5 years, working with this Kahuna deepened my awareness of and abilities with energy in magical and amazing ways. She taught me to use my intuitive capacities for guiding and healing others, physically mentally and emotionally. She taught me Ho’oponopono, the Bowl of Light practice, and symbols and journeys from ancient mystical traditions. And she initiated me into high frequencies of energy, which she would smile and say, "a quantum leap beyond Reiki." And it is. I was disappointed when she stopped teaching, but I was fortunate to learn these mystical magical practices, and continue to use them to this day. Find out more... bowl of light practice |
![]() AuthorA certified transformative coach, yoga therapist, author, + adventurer, Kathy has coached people to happier lives for over 20 years. (Has it really been that long?) Archives
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