Is this it? I thought I'd be happy by now...

If you've achieved success, yet still feel something is still missing, I'm your girl.
I've been there. I wondered why I wasn't happy after working for over a decade to achieve what I'd dreamt of - dancing the lead roles in all the ballets.
But despite my career success, I felt stressed and overwhelmed, rather than joyful and content.
My body was fit, my relationships were working, I was dancing the roles I'd aimed for since childhood: Snow Queen. Juliet. Sugar Plum Fairy.
And I still wasn't happy.
It was a real wake-up call.
We've been conditioned as a society to strive for happiness as something that we'll get in the future.
Someday. If we work hard enough.
So we push through resistance, frustration, stress and overwhelm to get there.
Happiness doesn't work that way.
And all it takes is a small change in perspective to create a great shift.
I've helped hundreds of people move from anxiety, overwhelm and feeling stuck to a space of ease and freedom.
Working with me will impact your body, relationships, finances and any area where you're feeling challenged.
Because YOU + MISUNDERSTANDING = stress, stuck, frustration, resistance.
And YOU - MISUNDERSTANDING = clarity, joy, open, free, present.
When we change the way we see the world, the world around us changes.
Once you tap into inner peace, a new sense of possibility emerges.
I've been there. I wondered why I wasn't happy after working for over a decade to achieve what I'd dreamt of - dancing the lead roles in all the ballets.
But despite my career success, I felt stressed and overwhelmed, rather than joyful and content.
My body was fit, my relationships were working, I was dancing the roles I'd aimed for since childhood: Snow Queen. Juliet. Sugar Plum Fairy.
And I still wasn't happy.
It was a real wake-up call.
We've been conditioned as a society to strive for happiness as something that we'll get in the future.
Someday. If we work hard enough.
So we push through resistance, frustration, stress and overwhelm to get there.
Happiness doesn't work that way.
And all it takes is a small change in perspective to create a great shift.
I've helped hundreds of people move from anxiety, overwhelm and feeling stuck to a space of ease and freedom.
Working with me will impact your body, relationships, finances and any area where you're feeling challenged.
Because YOU + MISUNDERSTANDING = stress, stuck, frustration, resistance.
And YOU - MISUNDERSTANDING = clarity, joy, open, free, present.
When we change the way we see the world, the world around us changes.
Once you tap into inner peace, a new sense of possibility emerges.
I'm Kathy.
Yoga Therapist ~ Hawaiian Healer ~ COACH ~ Author ~ Adventurer
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