Just like each of us has a dominant sense (or two)
~ from your interior designer friend who can visualize a dump into a dream home, to your touchy-feely massage therapist, to your friend from school who remembers everything they hear, we each have intuitive senses that are more or less dominant as well. While there are fancy names for these different talents: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Claircognizance, Empathy - they really just differentiate intuitive strengths. You have an intuitive strength, even if you don't know it. If you think you aren't intuitive, or if you doubt yourself a lot, you may be trying to use one of the intuitive senses that isn't your forte (and not even know it)! Or your doubt may come from dimming your intuitive capacities because they scare you -- or scared somebody else. Perhaps this happened when you were so young that you don't even remember it. Is this you? You may like Clearing the Blocks to Your Intuition Here are the different intuitive categories. Claircognizance is when you just know something. This may feel like you just know it from nowhere, or there may be guiding factors like signs. "I just knew he was the one." "I just knew I had to go." Clairvoyance is when you "see" information -- you get visuals of the turn to take, or the person you'll meet, or the mishap that could occur. This may occur far ahead of time, a moment before. Many people find that when they take up meditation, their sense of inner vision becomes stronger. Some people put the images we receive during dream time at night in this category, while others put it in a category of its own. Clairaudience is hearing. "Go left," you may hear. "Say hello to the man in red," "Stop," or "Don't." These may come in bite-sized, bits or in lengthy communication. Sometimes you may not even like to follow these directions because they don't always make sense, but you know that following them does make life better. Clairsentience often shows up as a gut feeling, though it can show up as other sensations in the body as well.... often goosebumps is an indication of clairsentience. When you feel a sense of contraction or expansion in the heart area on making decisions, it would fall under this category. If you're dominant in clairsentience, you may have been told , "You're too sensitive." No you're not. You have clairsentience. Empathy if you get overwhelmed being in crowds, or sense how someone is feeling without them having to tell you, you likely have this capacity. Empathy could even be a classification it's own because if you are an empath it impacts your life in a multitude of ways on a daily basis. For some people, their empathic capacities can even be debilitating... limiting them from going places, being in crowds, or interacting with people. If you're feeling that way, You may like my short program that has helped 100s of people: Help I Am an Empath Note: as mentioned above, getting information from dreams could be considered yet another category. No intuitive sense is better than the others. The challenge is when we try to make intuition be one best way! Often we want what we don't have. "They" are intuitive because they see. Or know. For example, if you keep trying to do visualization, when a more natural method for you would be intuitive writing. Or if you try to sense light or heavy sensation in your body, and your inner voice keeps trying to nudge you with words! Having read the different intuitive styles above, start to play with how you receive your info. When we acknowledge our own capacities, we develop them even more, and allow them to shine! Many of us have blocked our true capacities because of early childhood experiences. We learned to trust others more than our own intuitive seeing sensing hearing or knowing. Join us in Clearing the Blocks to Your Intuition
AuthorA certified transformative coach, yoga therapist, author, + adventurer, Kathy has coached people to happier lives for over 20 years. (Has it really been that long?) Archives
August 2024