When a new year is afoot, I always find it fun to reflect on both the passing year, and the year ahead.Here are some of my reflections:
Was there a moment (or day) in the past year that just knocked my socks off? Yes, we remember the challenging days- how about the celebrations? Remembering those golden moments reinforces positive neuropathways in the brain. So many for me this year…. Watching the sun rise from in front of the great pyramid after having been inside the King's and Queen's chamber, and receiving a visible energy infusion blessing while in the sarcophagus. And later that day, standing in Egypt in front of the Sphinx, brimming with gratitude for my choice to make the trip, and for the spiritual teacher who brought me, when that teacher, Sai Maa, opened her eyes and gazed into mine- as though she knew exactly what I was feeling. What did someone say to you this year, that really surprised you? I’ve been to a few retreats, and I have never learned so much from any of them as I did from this one:) I am very grateful, and I want you to know how much I appreciate everything that you offered to us❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Was there a habit that contributed greatly to my year? This habit could be useful, or not so much. Creating energy grids and engaging guides really made a big difference. Find out more about grids in this video. Did I turn lemons into lemonade? What was a challenge that became a gift? When the Maui Fires decimated my retreat, I ended up gaining new vigor, learning the power of tenacity, engaging people, making new friends, and creating a retreat that exceeded any expectations! Something unexpected that I really loved: Having an extended period of Canyoneering- stepping off the edge of a cliff! What was on the menu more often this year? Cacao nibs and overnight oats…. Usually not together. I ushered in 2023 with a visit from my sister who has a 3 year old. And his favorite food is overnight oats with frozen tropical fruit from Costco. That was my first experience. I liked them so much that we fed them at my Akashic Records Retreat (another one will be November of 2024) - and when it started to cool off on Maui in late November (a chilly 71) that became my go-to breakfast. I stopped eating sugar in early 2021 - and replaced any chocolate with Lilly’s stevia chocolate. But when I learned of high levels of lead in those bars, I skipped over to banana + cacao nibs or cacao stuffed into a date. That satisfies the chocolate fix and I haven’t missed a thing. A kindness that touched my heart: The kindness of those of you who contributed to Maui Fire victims… by sending diapers, backpacks for the children, and shopping in my online store. Is there something I want to cultivate more of in the coming year? Yes! Reaching out... to old friends and also to strangers. I just re We are more alike than different What would I really like to accomplish this next year? Stay more in equanimity, even when others are not. Have another... or many, experiences of oneness. Create 2 retreats in which, once more, participants are sad to leave because they've enjoyed it so much, learned a lot, and bonded so well. Get my finances in order, and find an amazing (and accurate tax preparer). The transition to the new year is a fantastic time to cultivate the state of consciousness that we wish to expand throughout the year. What quality would I like more of? Welcoming. Welcoming people, experiences, and welcoming life exactly as it is. XO To your best year yet!
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AuthorA certified transformative coach, yoga therapist, author, + adventurer, Kathy has coached people to happier lives for over 20 years. (Has it really been that long?) Archives
August 2024