What is Abundance Alchemy?
A space of empowerment and support to shed limitations, let old stories go, &
step into the space of knowing that you truly can create your life
(regardless of who you grew up with and who is around you now).
Get out of doubt and watch the magic unfold as you trust yourself and the universe to create your abundant future.
step into the space of knowing that you truly can create your life
(regardless of who you grew up with and who is around you now).
Get out of doubt and watch the magic unfold as you trust yourself and the universe to create your abundant future.
You Receive
Get clear on your desires & allow them begin to show up faster as you no longer "work" to figure them out. Allow your "inner GPS" to guide you more & more. Tap into and recognize the magical being you truly are and that the Universe supports you, Fully. This is the support space for you to let go of stuckness, of old patterns and limitation. It’s not always easy to go through these spaces... this is a supportive small group specifically here to magnify the successes, keep you on track and help you through the challenging moments. Abundance Alchemy is designed to take you forward, creating your new life, infused with the principles and energy of abundance. Would you like support to integrate this new way of being into your life, your patterns and your reality? We play together for 5 months to integrate the tools and energy of abundance into your life to get from where you are now to where you'd like to be. What it is
4 Months starting April 10, 12 or 13th Groups are created based on timezone/availability on a consistent day. Your group will either meet on a Tuesday, Friday or Saturday. (when you sign up, indicate the days that work for you) Changes occasionally when Kathy is traveling. |
Here is what participants are experiencing"I am finding the opportunity to gather with Kathy and the group on a regular bases to be of great value in nurturing a New way of Being. To focus on our desired frequency and amplify that space of Being for each other is proving to be a great gift. I am noticing myself to be Lighter and Happier with a sense of Freedom to Enjoy Life. Also I am using the tools of Access, Be in the question, in a different way. Rather than using question to get rid of something. I use the question to look at the energy of the discomfort, the sensation. What energy is this? Actually I have been using "What is the flavour of this energy?" and this seems to allow for a deeper awareness which in turn allows the release of what I was holding to. I'm noticing with awareness and acknowledgement comes more space, along with letting go of any idea of rightness or wrongness. So if this is something that you desire I would suggest to go for it." Mary "I am incredibly grateful to have joined the small group after completing the radical abundance course. Giving and receiving support with others that have a similar dedication to owning their potency, mastering abundance , and being effective in the world is beyond valuable. The richness it has added to my life in connection is a gift, that is also supported by Kathy’s skilled, insightful and loving leadership. I am often surprised at how a desire someone else expresses lines up with something I also have wanted but been unable to vocalize. It is my favorite time of the week. "Thank you so much Kathy for creating this! I never truly knew before this group what it was like to fully bask in the energy of contribution! With this group I recognized a sneaky doubt that I didn't fully believe that I could create my desires. |
Schedule beginning in April
Week 1 Small group mastermind.
Week 2 Alchemy session with empowerment exercises -I've seen miracles from this alone.
Week 3 Acknowledgment & Celebration
Week 1 Small group mastermind.
Week 2 Alchemy session with empowerment exercises -I've seen miracles from this alone.
Week 3 Acknowledgment & Celebration