Change Your Energy, Change Your Abundance Replays
Here are your videos to watch again & again.
Day 1 - Change Your Energy, Change Your Abundance
Day 2 - An energy that changes neuropathways
Day 3 - Change Your Energy, Change your Abundance
Day 4: An EASY way to create what you desire
Day 2 - An energy that changes neuropathways
Day 3 - Change Your Energy, Change your Abundance
Day 4: An EASY way to create what you desire
Would you like more fun and abundance? Join us on a 9 week journey... with time to expand your life, with accountability steps, and more. Scroll down to learn all about it
Did you grow up believing the lies of lack & scarcity?
Were you taught you had to work really hard for money and success?
Would you like to change that?
When you let go of the lies of scarcity, life changes in ways that seem almost magical.
Were you taught you had to work really hard for money and success?
Would you like to change that?
When you let go of the lies of scarcity, life changes in ways that seem almost magical.
You're invited to
Radical Abundance
9 weeks to clear out lack & scarcity & embrace abundance
Feb 2, 9,16, 23 March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Find Your Time and Date
Your idea of abundance may not be like mine - living in Hawaii, traveling around the globe, clients world-wide, a published book & money to spend how I choose.
I'd like to help you create abundance Your Way.
I'd like to help you create abundance Your Way.
Has setting goals or targets been more struggle or disappointing than it's worth? What if you could work with the Universe instead of against it? This class provides the space and tools to create lasting change in the areas of your life where you've felt blocked from abundance
Radical Abundance Online includes:
- 2 Year Access to the complete Radical Abundance course including training videos,
- home-play exercises, generative questions, and manual.
- 8 Saturday Zoom sessions over the 9 weeks. Most zooms are 75 minutes, though implementation week has a shorter zoom session to allow space to catch up and for integrating the material.
- 9 Zoom Recordings both audio & video available to download.
- Private Facebook Group Membership to ask your questions & connect with others.
- A Library of Tools and Energy Exercises to receive clarity and awareness & connect with the Universe and energies of receiving.
- Bonus Videos practical tools, energetic exercises, and meditations to help you integrate and create. Reverse engineering to reach your desires.
- Fun Bonuses including Stop Stopping You- a 2 hour pre-recorded delve into the 9 areas that stop people from reaching their targets. Energy pull exercises, a Radical Abundance manual and more.
- Accountability Partner: to help you stay on track and achieve what you say you’d like to
Save $430 off the regular price of $897
First 4 to sign up receive a jump start your abundance session with Kathy |
Radical Abundance For Business
Radical Abundance + 3 extra sessions specially designed to expand your business Including what Kathy has done to become "one of the most prolific Access Consciousness® practitioners in North America," having trained hundreds of practitioners. |
And receive $370 worth of bonuses
Bonus #1 Stop Stopping You $100 value A 2 hour dive into the areas that stop us the most and tools to get unstuck Bonus #2 The Kahuna Nighttime Attraction Exercise. $140 value An exercise that works to attract clients, a buyer for your house, and whatever else is needed in your life. "It works every time." Bonus #3 Money Magic Exercises. $75 value 5 different 10-30 minute exercises to change your relationship with money. Bonus #4 Kathy's favorite energy pulls $55 value 3 different exercises for creation of a life beyond your dreams. |
I've done so many programs... how do I know this will work for me? Have you ever had a sense of clarity, of being led, of ease and synchronicity? That means you have access to it, and when you learn to tap into that space consistently, you'll create more, faster with more ease. Over 9 weeks we'll tap into the space where that resides, and use tools to get clear and energetically in harmony with your desires. Imagine making choices from that space of clarity, not doubting yourself. Using the deeper brainwave states to manifest and draw to you the people, events and experiences that will co-create a greater life for you and the planet. Most people live their days with a predominance of beta brainwaves - which are the most desynchronous state, and vibrate with a sense of lack and "wanting" instead of knowing & receiving. Is this you? You get what you desire some of the time but there are still areas that don't seem to budge? This course will give you tools that you can use on a day to day basis to change brainwave states, and tap into the same level of mind that Steve Jobs used to support his creativity and manifestation to create real and lasting change while most programs focus on change during the beta levels or require someone else to put you into alpha brain activity. We are changing your energy and your nervous system. Which changes how the outer world shows up. How do I join the live sessions? Live sessions meet on Zoom every Saturday starting January 26 at 9am Pacific Integration day will be a shorter zoom at 3pm Pacific (and connection time with your accountability partner thereafter) You can join via phone or computer. These interactive sessions, allow for personal facilitation so you can have your questions answered & get real application to your life. Sessions are also recorded. How is the rest of the course delivered? You'll have your own private membership site which is simple & streamlined with access to all the modules. Have your own account to keep so you can access the hours & hours of videos, exercises & audios. For good. What is Radical Abundance for Business? Radical Abundance for Business includes the full Radical Abundance program + 3 extra sessions geared specifically to strategies for creating a thriving business. Plus some additional exercises on finding your ideal pricing and more. Extra Resources You’ll also receive PDFs to play with the exercises to get really clear on Your Desires Audio energetic exercises to create while you sleep, Clearings & meditations to let go of what's in the way of getting what you want, and more! Bonuses listed below. |
First 4 to sign up receive a jump start your abundance session with Kathy |
Radical Abundance For Business
With extra sessions specially designed to expand your business, Including what Kathy has done to become one of the most prolific Access Consciousness® practitioners in North America, having trained hundreds of practitioners. |
Want more? Check out the Radical Abundance VIP program.

You're probably here to learn about my qualifications.. However, when you come to me, I'm not concerned about the titles, degrees & certifications you hold. I don't judge you based on what you've achieved (or haven't). I'm interested in what makes you tick. What lights you up? What would you like to be & do in the world? And what's stopping you?
I've worked as a transformational coach since 2003, with certifications from author Michael Neill's Supercoach Academy, Access Consciousness CF, I studied with a shaman Kahuna Ho'okahi for several years, and have certifications in Ayurvedic Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Advanced Consciousness-based Healing and more. I fuse everything into an alchemical blend customer to the individual or group I'm working with. With an international client base, my clients range from young adults to individuals in their 80’s. My target is to empower people to move beyond physical & emotional limitation into lives of joyous possibility. From new businesses & careers, to raises, from meeting a partner to creating a life, I love to help people clarify and get what they want.
I've worked as a transformational coach since 2003, with certifications from author Michael Neill's Supercoach Academy, Access Consciousness CF, I studied with a shaman Kahuna Ho'okahi for several years, and have certifications in Ayurvedic Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Advanced Consciousness-based Healing and more. I fuse everything into an alchemical blend customer to the individual or group I'm working with. With an international client base, my clients range from young adults to individuals in their 80’s. My target is to empower people to move beyond physical & emotional limitation into lives of joyous possibility. From new businesses & careers, to raises, from meeting a partner to creating a life, I love to help people clarify and get what they want.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Big Hugs...
Big Hugs...
First 4 to sign up receive a jump start your abundance session with Kathy |
Radical Abundance For Business
With extra sessions specially designed to expand your business Including what Kathy has done to become one of the most prolific Access Consciousness® practitioners in North America, having trained hundreds of practitioners. |